Thursday, August 13, 2015

If you really knew me

In an effort to get to know each other and trust each other, I'd like you to take a little risk and post five things that you'd like other people in the class to know about you. The quirkier/more unique and personal, the better.

Here are my five:

1. I hate the sound of a plastic spoon scraping against a plastic cup.

2. I prefer individual sports like jogging and hiking because I can't stand to disappoint anyone.

3. I choose each day to make a positive memory with my son and husband.

4. I am a minister's daughter and am thankful for my faith.

5. I wish I could live in a musical.

DUE: Thursday, August 21st by 1st hour.


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  2. 1. I love to play basketball.
    2. I am red-green colorblind.
    3. I love the wilderness and the peacefulness.
    4. My favorite sport to watch is soccer, not basketball.
    5. I have trouble sitting still for long periods of time.

  3. 1. I am fascinated with the past.
    2. The smell of cut grass worries me, but I like hearing grass get cut.
    3. I love to swim.
    4. I spend way too much time on the internet.
    5. I enjoy expressing myself through writing.

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  5. 1. I like to spend my free time on the soccer field.
    2. I enjoy listening to country music, want to own a truck at some point, and spend lots of time with my family in Cheyenne.
    3. I cite Ole Einar Bjorndalen as my biggest idol. The most decorated winter Olympian has won 13 medals, his latest gold at Sochi (at the age of 41).
    4. My favorite sports team is Tottenham Hotspur, the greatest soccer team in the world.
    5. Sometimes when I need to unwind I watch Gordon Ramsey's, "Kitchen Nightmares", for some reason it helps me relax.

  6. 1) I like strawberry ice cream and vanilla ice cream, so if we ever share one of those 3 flavor ice cream tubs, the chocolate section is all yours

    2) My favorite word is "bowl" because it is fun to say

    3) Chewbacca is my spirit animal

    4) I am so psyched for Star Wars Force Awakened. It comes out two days after my birthday, and I am determined to get tickets to opening today

    5) I'm not a morning person, but the less sleep I get, the more hyper I am.

  7. 1. Hockey is my life. Live it, love it, breathe it.

    2. I love to make digital art. Art in general is great.

    3. I work at an ice rink. Of course.

    4. I live in Parker and it's about a 25 minute drive to school.

    5. I do not want to take swimming simply because 12 minute is not enough time to get ready.

  8. 1. My favorite sport is lacrosse, I play goalie, and I want to play in college.
    2. I have a fully functioning fish tank but it hasn't supported fish in a year.
    3. I love to travel but the best part is getting to come home.
    4. I think The Office is the greatest t.v. show and my favorite character is Dwight K. Shrute.
    5. My favorite color is green but the color I wear most often is blue.

  9. 1. My favorite sport is running cross country, despite the fact that very few actually like running
    2. I have played guitar for 6 years
    3. My life goal is to travel all over the world and experience new cultures
    4. The sound of a pencil being sharpened makes me cringe
    5. Jack Johnson is my favorite musical artist.

  10. 1. My favorite color is blue, and I end up wearing it almost everyday (but I usually don't notice)
    2. I dislike math, and only certain fields of science interest me
    3. I am the youngest of four girls
    4. I am very loud and talkative until it comes to class discussions, and then it takes me a while to get comfortable
    5. I love apple juice

  11. 1. I am currently recovering from my second broken hip.
    2. I'm the person who freaks out over receiving a lower than a 94%.
    3. I hate the sound those cheap pencils make that sounds like a dog whistle.
    4. I am constantly drinking water from my Nalgene.
    5. I use a lot of sarcasm, sometimes to the point that even I can't tell if I'm kidding.

  12. 1. I recently recovered from knee surgery.
    2. I have an older brother that is going to college in Texas
    3. I play club volleyball
    4. I love the smell of rain
    5. I have a puppy named Nala

  13. 1. I play the violin and guitar
    2. When I hear Christmas songs I feel calm
    3. I love online shopping
    4. Blankets are my favorite
    5. I want to be a pediatric surgeon

  14. 1. I am absolutely terrified of anything supernatural. Any book or movie with ghosts or exorcisms is a major nope for me.
    2. I have hiked five of Colorado's 14ers.
    3. I plan to go into medicine.
    4. I write in a journal every night.
    5. Most of my friends have called me "Beya" since 7th or 8th grade. It started in Spanish class, since a double L is pronounced as a Y in Spanish.

  15. 1. I am fiercely loyal to my friends and family

    2. I LOVE superheroes, Batman being my favorite

    3. I play tennis and lift a lot, they are the best form of therapy for me

    4. I feel the calmest when I am by a body of water

    5. My biggest idol/role model is Bruce Lee

  16. 1. I am deadly afraid of bees, wasps, and all flying insects.
    2. I like almost every genre of music.
    3. My favorite place to be is the mountains.
    4. I am an extrovert, so I talk too much sometimes.
    5. I can be scared very easily.

  17. 1. I'm a debate kid, as some of you know. I spent 3 weeks this summer at the Jayhawk Debate Institute (Kansas University) learning how to tell people they're wrong.
    2. I do archery every week. I love it. Lord of the Rings has inspired a decent portion of my life.
    3. I've played piano for more years than I remember. I love trying to figure out how to play music from the radio on piano.
    4. I'm usually overly concerned about how people see me, but I'm most happy when I'm relaxed, social and spontaneous.
    5. I speak Spanish (kind of, I'm in Spanish III this year) and I'm trying to learn Swedish. "Jag talar Svenska, ja."

    1. Ryan,

      I love your number 1 thing, because I enjoy the way you phrased it, and also because I can hear you saying it out loud. I also think it's really cool that you're learning Swedish.

    2. Ryan,

      I love your number 1 thing, because I enjoy the way you phrased it, and also because I can hear you saying it out loud. I also think it's really cool that you're learning Swedish.

  18. 1. I've lived in 8 different houses, at 6 different schools, in 4 different states.
    2. Music is very important in my family, and I enjoy listening to it often, but I can't name more than a few modern day artists and songs off the top of my head.
    3. I seem to have incredibly bad luck when I comes to bugs and small critters in a series of unfortunate incidents, but it's my older sister who is terrified of them.
    4. I've had two face to face coyote incidents walking home from school.
    5. I always like write in cursive, with a pencil.

  19. 1. I play clarinet in the marching band.
    2. I have 7 people in my family.
    3. I want to change the world.
    4. I had a staph infection in my leg once.
    5. I love rain, especially Texas rain.

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  21. 1.) I love narwhals more than any other animal

    2.) I fear dying without leaving a legacy of some sort

    3.) I'm a certified scuba diver and I'm afraid of the deepest parts of the ocean

    4.) I eat the veggie version of the snack Pirate Booty all the time

    5.) I hate when people say "I COULD care less" instead of "I couldn't care less"
